VLookup function


VLookup function

VLOOKUP() function stands for the vertical lookup that is responsible for looking for a particular value in the leftmost column of a table. It then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify.

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Why do we need automation?

  • Late: You often have to wait for initial reports to submit to the client, manager and/or HOD. At this stage, your team is not able to create reports with a manual lengthy process. Your client and/or HOD keeps pushing for the submission of reports to achieve his targets.
  • Wrong: After the team submits reports. Client or HOD rejects most of them due to mistakes in reports & uncompleted information.
  • Missing data: To meet your deadline for initial reports, you forget to obtain the information required for later stages like approval and invoices. As later stages reach, you have insufficient data to achieve these milestones & your vendors or employees are not available at this stage to provide the same.

Here comes the “Data Automation” the auto invoice making macro that automats your repetitive tasks within seconds, error-free, with 100% accuracy & you will have an authentic and complete database from the day first.

Benefits of automation

(VLookup function)

  • Saves time: you will click a button and the computer will generate your 1 report in 1 second and 1000 reports in 15 minutes only
  • Eliminates errors: machine never makes mistakes so work done by a computer is 100% accurate with 0% errors
  • Perfect Data Management: Data Automation requires the perfect data so employees will focus to maintain data. The team will use the same data throughout the process while making reports for the boss & client to present, print or email, filling an annexure for approval, and creating invoices. If an employee/vendor leaves, the company will not suffer any workflow


Excel to excel macros


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