Better Man – Die 2024 Story Robbie Williams DUAL.H.BRRip Magnet Download

Better Man - Die Robbie Williams Story 2024 torrent
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A unique profile of British pop star Robbie Williams. The film is based on a series of interviews that director Michael Gracie conducted with Robbie Williams over a year and a half at Williams’ recording studio in Los Angeles, USA. Although the interviews were not originally intended for the film, as Gracie “just wanted to capture [Williams] in his own voice telling his story”, much of Williams’ speech in the film was taken from these recordings. Robbie Williams: Nigel Martin Smith was an absolute cutie for legal reasons. And a first-class bastard… As seen on The 7PM Project: Episode 5 December 2024 (2024). A documentary that follows the struggles of pop star Robbie Williams as he makes his way to stardom. Let me start by saying that I am not a fan of Robbie Williams. He has had some great songs in the past, I actually know all the words to Angels and that is just 1 of about a dozen songs that I know the lyrics to, 9 of which are Taylor Swift songs. But anyway, my friend wanted to see the movie because he’s a big Williams fan, so I agreed to go with him, and oh, I’m glad I did. Why a monkey instead of Robbie Williams? Well, Williams claims that fame is followed by people who expect him to be a performing monkey. And I agree. You only have to watch modern talk shows to understand that people just want their stars to act like monkeys in front of them. This is Robbie at his most honest, speaking the way he does without fear of consequences. I like him because I like honest people. But that also applies to his movie. His movie is not about his music, there are just 2-3 songs that play from beginning to end. The movie is not even directly about his fame: the movie is about him. How he copes (or doesn’t cope) with fame, how he copes (or doesn’t cope) with competition, how he copes with rejection and disappointment (or doesn’t cope), how he gets drunk and on drugs, and how he eventually sinks so low and alienates his closest friends that he has to seek therapy to return to being a normal functioning person. It’s a surprisingly honest film, not shying away from his own mistakes or those of others. He doesn’t portray himself as a victim, although in a way I think he was. He wants everyone to understand who he is, who he was, and what has shaped him to this point. The cinematography is great. The lighting and colors are beautiful, the dancing in some places is mesmerizing: the wall of the main street with thousands of people standing on it is simply cinematic perfection. The CGI monkey dances like the best dancer in the world, and it’s so good to watch that I was amazed at how beautiful it is. Now I have a positive opinion of this man who can bare his soul to anyone and everyone, and he does it with moderation, style and brutal honesty. I strongly recommend that everyone who loves movies see this film, if only for the cinematic experience, if for nothing else. Kudos to Eric Wilson (cinematographer), great job. I gave it a solid 8.

Julie 2024 Magnet

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